
Cannabexchange Website
From conception to development and optimization for Google organic traffic, PPC ads, social exposure & referrals for instant results within 4 months!
This project was developed as a concept that would test our capabilities in this industry, however, over time it has become a steady platform as traffic results from the initial test proved to be highly promising. Through a targeted strategy, multiple online tools and methods, a robust and steady increase in traffic was established right from the beginning. Starting with the platform's launch party in Downtown San Diego, traffic on the first day peaked at well over 200 to 300 visitors. This presented a great catapult for the platform to build upon.
Initial Results


As big tech players are not new to this industry, going from 0 traffic as a newly launched social platform to becoming recognizable organically with minimal budget was not going to be easy, so a lot of attention to detail was placed in SEO both on-page & technical as well as content management. We ran this campaign as a test with only $500 per month and today it still sits in a live environment. However, none of our current monthly SEO services start at that price.
CB Year Over Year Results


Through a comprehensive content and listing strategy, we implemented both directory listings for businesses that registered in the platform and individual user profiles. Directory listing pages were optimized for on-page and technical SEO. Aside from other techniques and a diverse backlink strategy, overall optimization helped low hanging fruit business listing pages to reach the front of SRPs. Event pages with minimal competition were also able to reach the front page of Google faster and last longer for their respective keywords.

The Result of Our Work

In less than 4 months with next to nothing for a budget, over 1,800 monthly users were converging in Cannabexchange, month over month and continuing to grow. Overall monthly growth by month 4 was increasing at a rate of 58%.
  • Organic keyword capture increased through a detailed and comprehensive keyword strategy.
  • Visits to business search listings increased, thanks to technical SEO and content optimization of listing pages.
  • An increase in traffic to event and festival pages is attributed to a robust content strategy, technical SEO, page speed optimization of pages and content, as well as a basic niche backlink strategy.
Cannabexchange April 2019 Overview
0 Traffic on Jan. 1st
58% Monthly Growth
1.9K/mnthl users by Apr.